
MCQ Score

Overall, as seen in the image above, I got a score of 41/50 whichlands me at an 82% which is around the same score I got last trimester. On last trimester’s final. There was slight improvements here and there. Specifically in the areas that I had practiced from last trimester’s review - the problems I missed the most last MCQ -, I saw significan timprovement in these areas. I can’t say they were exactly perfect but only a couple of errors. However, new units were introduced in this tri 2 mcq which led me to miss multiple problems. Additionally, I had finished after the deadline and was a little rushed to get my test back. But if I work on some of my new flaws, I think I will be in a positing to have a high level understanding of what College Board asks from me in the future AP test.

What To Work On

Like i said before, I think most of the units I worked on since last trimester have been improved a lot so i will stop or reduce working on those types of problems. However, I will focus my efforts on some of the new problems at hand. I noticed, while taking the test and after reflecting over my isssues, that there were a lot of conceptual problems that I missed that included problems such as base. What is base 2? What is the difference between bas 2 and base 16? I hope that I can study these units and get a better understanding. So, after reflecting, here are the most noteable things I need to work on:

  1. I need to work on time management. I noticed that a lot of the problems I missed were in the latter half of the mcq which means that i really got to be able to go through questions swiftly and with pace. I need to make sure that I have enough time for later problems because if I don’t there would be a lot of points that I miss out on.
  2. I need to work on 2.b questions. This was a unit in lst year’s mcq and is one of the only units that i still struggle with. Thus, it is a subject that I need to work on extensively because it is clearly one of my weaksuits.
  3. I also have to work on 3.a questions since these were questions that I didn’t quite understand and lost many points on.
  4. Lastly, another noteable problem I faced were the 4.5 and 4.6 problems which involved binary and procedural code. Some procedures I have a clear concept of but I need to be able to differentiate between each proedure’s weak and strong areas. For example, problem 16 was about the limitations of iteration and I had chosen a problem in repeated values. In actuality, iteration’s weakness lies in the program’s sequencing.

Reworked Problems

Missed Problem #18

Missed Problem #1

  • The problem here is that a public key is the key that is meant to shown to everybody and is thus unimportant. But a group of cookies is a problem for possible cyber threats.

Missed Problem #19

Missed Problem #2

  • The problem here is that Find Name searches within the given list and ben is in the list in the correct answer and is outside of the list in the incorrect answer.

Missed Problem #25

Missed Problem #3

  • The problem here is that each student must be assigned a unique value which would make each student’s chance of being selected equal and thus satisfying the program’s purpose.

Missed Problem #32

Missed Problem #4

  • The elements of the list needed to be sorted in order to use the specific type of search.

Missed Problem #36

Missed Problem #5

  • I did not notice that there were two asteriks in the first printargs ordered pair which led me to falsely assume it would be A when in actuality it is B. 1*1 22.