Reporting Category Scoring Criteria Decision Rules
Row 1 Program Purpose and Function My program demonstrates the following: - input, program functionality, and output. Additionally, the overall purpose is clear and the functionality of the program is demonstrated. The video shows a demonstration of the program running and the described purpose is actually the functionality of the program. The purpose is actually the functionality of the program. The purpose adresses the problem being solved.
Row 2 Data Abstraction I will include two program code segments: one that shows how data has been stored in this list (or other collection type), Additionally, It will show the data in the same list being used as part of fullfilling the program’s purpose. I also identify the name of the variable representing the list being used in the response. Requirements for program code segments: The written response must include two clearly distinguishable program code segments, but these segments may be disjointed code segments or two parts of a contiguous code segment. All of which I already have in my CPT feature.
Row 3 Managing Complexity My program manages complexity by including code segments that show a list being used to manage complexity. Also, I can reveal exactly how it works clearly. I did not contain lists that are sepertely included and I did not name the selected list. Also the code segment is clear and management of complexity is accurate.
Row 4 Procedural Abstraction I have a code segment that shows a procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure. I also have a code segment that shows where the student-developed procedure is being called. I describe the identified procedure does and how it contributes to the overall functionality of the program. The parameter used in the procedure is explicit and is defined in the header of the procedure.
Row 5 Algorithm Implementation I include a program code segment of a student developed algorithm that includes: sequencing, selection, and iteration. I will also explain in detailed steps how the identified algorithm works in enough detail that someone elso could recreate it. The algorithm being described can utilize existing language functionality or library calls. The algorithm contains selection and iteration as well as sequencing.
Row 6 Testing I describe two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call passes a different argument that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute. I describe the condition being tested by each call to the procedure. I also identify the result of each call. Finally, I consider the implicit and explicit parameters used by the selected procedure which satisfys the CPT requirements.