Digital Divide is the difference in access to technology. Deals with “To Have and Have Not” in relation to computers, internet, or technology in general.

  • Some people may have no access to the internet or have worn down computers
    • prevents students from being digitally equipped and being able to learn and perform
  • Comparatively, Del Norte High School has access to digital software and internet
  • Digital Divide between Del Norte and other schools

Contributing factors to divide are socioeconomic, geographic, and demographic

  • In San Digeo, there is a regional divide marked by the interstate 8
  • Some Religious groups like the amish choose not to use technology

In education equity requires school to provide materials like computers and chromebooks.

  • However, there is still a digital divide in the way chromebooks a are hard for coding and have restrictions on them that prevent installation of coding platforms such as vscode

Blog Post Reflection - Digital Empowerment

  1. One can empower themselves in the digital world by using the resources they have to do the best in their field. A student may have a lack of resources but should still use free chromebooks, school internet, etc. to get their work done. Also, empowerment can be made if more,better resources can be provided. If everone had access to internet and functional computers, computation would be much more equal.
  2. Someone that is empowered can help someone who is not empowered by sharing access to resources or donating unneeded materials. Someone who needs to create a physics project could greatly benefit from plastic, cardboard, scissors, tubes, etc. even if someone does not need them.
  3. I believe red tape is the hindrance to digital empowerment because certain rules are unnecessary and prevent people from critically thinkng/ exploring. Website regulations, download regulations all affect a student’s learning.